Feedback or Grievance Information
Treasure Valley Doulas is a membership organization; therefore each member has their own business and structure. They also have come from a variety of training organizations. TVD has basic Ethics and Standards that each member must agree to uphold. If you believe that a member has violated these you may contact Treasure Valley Doulas via email or a phone call to one of the board members. All complaints that require action may not be given anonymously. If the member is certified it is required, per our Bylaws, that the complaint be filed with their certifying organization. If the member is not certified the complaint will be handled by the board and the focus of this will be to doula the doula and see if TVD is the right fit for the member. If TVD is informed of a formal complaint made to a certifying or governing organization the member may be put on probation or membership revoked until the situation has resolved. If the member is found in violation of the certifying or governing body then they will not longer be eligible for membership with Treasure Valley Doulas.
TVD Ethics and Standards:
Enacted April 12th, 2017
A Member of Treasure Valley Doulas will:
•Serve clients regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability unrelated to job requirements, genetic information, military service, any other protected status or the clients specific wishes for their birth or postpartum period.
•Recognize their primary responsibility is to the Client
•Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while serving the client and their family.
•Keep Client information confidential.
•Have a contract that describes fee, payment, backup, and refund policy.
•Treat fellow birth workers and medical professionals with courtesy and respect.
•Respect each doula’s business structure and will not regulate prices.
•Not engage in intentional unassisted childbirth.
•Adhere to their training organization’s scope of practice.
•Further to that, Doulas will not diagnose or treat medical conditions, make recommendations of medical treatment and will not perform blood pressure checks, vaginal exams, fetal heart tone checks, or postpartum clinical care.
•Foster self-determination of the Client and facilitate communication between the Client and care provider while providing nonjudgmental support.
•Read and agree to TVD's bylaws.
Certifying Organizations of our Members:
Childbirth Education:
TVD Ethics and Standards:
Enacted April 12th, 2017
A Member of Treasure Valley Doulas will:
•Serve clients regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability unrelated to job requirements, genetic information, military service, any other protected status or the clients specific wishes for their birth or postpartum period.
•Recognize their primary responsibility is to the Client
•Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while serving the client and their family.
•Keep Client information confidential.
•Have a contract that describes fee, payment, backup, and refund policy.
•Treat fellow birth workers and medical professionals with courtesy and respect.
•Respect each doula’s business structure and will not regulate prices.
•Not engage in intentional unassisted childbirth.
•Adhere to their training organization’s scope of practice.
•Further to that, Doulas will not diagnose or treat medical conditions, make recommendations of medical treatment and will not perform blood pressure checks, vaginal exams, fetal heart tone checks, or postpartum clinical care.
•Foster self-determination of the Client and facilitate communication between the Client and care provider while providing nonjudgmental support.
•Read and agree to TVD's bylaws.
Certifying Organizations of our Members:
Childbirth Education: