Birth Doulas
A birth doula is an important part of your birth team...
"Studies have shown that when doulas attend births, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily".
Birth doulas are "trained and experienced professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother and family before, during and just after birth"--(DONA International). In prenatals they can help mothers and their support gain confidence in the birthing process, and make informed choices about their care. During the birth, they uphold and support both the mother and her partner emotionally, physically, and with any information needed. Since Treasure Valley Doulas is a membership organization, each doulas has her own business. We encourage viewing many profiles and then setting up interviews with a few different doulas to see who might be the best fit for you. We host a Meet the Doulas event, every other month, which is a perfect time to interview several doulas at once. |
Doulas have been shown to lessen the need for interventions in birth, and people who choose a doula tend to report much more positive experiences.